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About Us


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The M Practice is a holistic mental health practice that helps you incorporate healthy habits into your life and find your happy balance.


We believe in harnessing the power of mindfulness, movement, meaningful connections, and self-care to help you cultivate a life of balance, fulfillment and meaning. Our mission is to guide you on a journey towards greater happiness and mental well-being through the exploration of the

5 Ms: Mindfulness, Movement, Meaningful Connection, Meaning, and Me. 


Through our comprehensive approach, we offer online and in-person resources designed to support your mental wellbeing journey. From practical exercises and mindful practices to rejuvenating movement sessions and inspiring resources, we provide the tools and inspiration you need to integrate the 5 Ms into your daily life.


Hi, I'm Lorraine, and I'm passionate about helping you discover your path to happiness and balance. As the creator of The M Practice, I am dedicated to curating transformative practices and resources to empower you on your wellness journey. Drawing from my background as a certified meditation practitioner and a 200-hour Yoga teacher trained in multiple styles with Yoga Renew, I would love to share what I have learned with you. Additionally, I've immersed myself in studies ranging from Mindfulness and Life Coaching to Positive Psychology and the Science of Yoga and Wellbeing. Inspired by my own quest for balance, I strive to offer practical solutions that fit seamlessly into your busy life. My practices range from short, two-minute exercises to full-day playlists or online and in-person classes encompassing meditation, movement, and music. However, I don't claim to have all the answers, I'm no expert and I'm still navigating my own journey towards happiness and fulfillment. My journey is one of continual growth and exploration, and I invite you to join me on this path of self-discovery. I would love for you to uncover the perfect M Practice for you. You are your greatest teacher and the answers you seek may already be within you.  Your intuition, experiences, and insights are invaluable as you journey to find your happy balance, I'm just here to help guide you. Thank you for choosing The M Practice as your partner in well-being, please take what works for you and leave what does not, because at the end of the day we are all different and you got to do you! Let's embark on this journey together, to find your tribe and discover the joy of finding your happy balance.

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The 5 Ms
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Mindfulness is a mental state and practice that involves intentionally focusing one's attention on the present moment with non-judgmental awareness. It is the quality of being fully engaged in and aware of one's experiences, sensations, thoughts, and emotions, as they arise in the present moment. Practicing mindfulness involves paying attention to the present moment without getting caught up in judgment, analysis, or the desire for things to be different. It involves observing and accepting whatever arises in the mind and body, including sensations, thoughts, and emotions, without reacting to or becoming entangled in them.


Engaging in physical activity that supports your overall well-being and promotes physical, mental, and emotional health. Moving your body intuitively in a way that feels good to you. Listening to your body, paying attention to its signals, and responding with movement that feels good and nourishing. You can combine the principles of mindfulness — such as present-moment awareness, non-judgment, and acceptance — with various forms of movement. Exploring different types of movement, such as dancing, stretching, walking, yoga, or any other physical activity that brings joy and a sense of well-being. Focusing on overall well-being rather than achieving specific fitness goals or adhering to rigid exercise regimens.


Meaningful connection entails fostering authentic relationships grounded in empathy, mutual respect, shared values, vulnerability, effective communication, and support. It involves embracing authenticity, understanding, and compassion while respecting boundaries and differences. Cultivating meaningful connections requires active engagement, genuine interest, and the willingness to invest time, effort, and vulnerability in relationships. Shared experiences, open communication, and mutual support deepen emotional bonds and create a sense of belonging and fulfillment, enhancing overall well-being and resilience in individuals' lives. It contributes to our happiness, improves physical health, reduces stress, and increases longevity.


Finding meaning in life is crucial for personal fulfillment, resilience, and well-being. It provides individuals with a sense of purpose and direction, fostering happiness and satisfaction. Meaning can be discovered through various avenues, such as pursuing personal passions and goals, engaging in acts of kindness and service to others, contributing to causes larger than yourself, and seeking personal growth and self-discovery. Helping others, whether through volunteering, acts of kindness, or supporting loved ones in times of need, is a powerful way to find meaning. By making a positive impact on the lives of others and contributing to the well-being of the community, you can derive a sense of purpose and fulfillment that enriches your life and those around you.


It is crucial to prioritize self-care and Me-time. Cultivating self-love and compassion is an essential component of overall well-being and personal growth. Self-love and compassion involve treating yourself with kindness, understanding, and acceptance, even in moments of vulnerability or imperfection. By nurturing a positive relationship with yourself, you can build a strong foundation for mental health, self-esteem, and inner peace. Additionally, self-love and compassion empowers you to set realistic goals, pursue personal growth, and honor your own needs and values, fostering a deeper sense of fulfillment and authenticity in life. Ultimately, by giving yourself love and compassion, you can cultivate the resilience and inner strength needed to thrive, help others and contribute positively to the world around you.

My M Practice Online
Dancing with Music


We offer several free online practices so you can create your own regular M Practice. Your practice can be tailored to meet your likes and needs. Each online M Practice we offer varies but they can include intention or goal setting, meditation, breathwork, a choice of yoga, mindful stretching, cardio, dance or other exercise program, or self-compassion and gratitude practices. These are combined together into practices lasting between 10 - 60 minutes. The idea is to make these habits as easy as possible to include in your life. Your practice can be what you want it to be, as you have several class styles and themes to choose from. We also have some shorter Meditations you can try if you are short on time. Follow the links below to try a practice or meditation.





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My M Practice In Person


Join us at Kawai Purapura Retreat in Albany, North Auckland for regular in-person classes with Lorraine. Explore the power of moving meditation, mindful movement, or mindful dance as we journey towards inner peace and self-discovery. Our classes delve into topics such as mindfulness, connection, happiness & gratitude, stress reduction & anxiety, and self-love & compassion. Each session is designed to nourish your mind, body, and spirit, offering practical tools and insights to enhance your well-being. Whether you're seeking solace from the stresses of daily life or longing to deepen your connection with yourself and others, our classes provide a supportive space for growth and transformation and to just be you. For more information and to stay updated on upcoming events, follow the link below to our Facebook event page. Or follow us on Insight Timer for Live Stream classes.


Wellness Coach


At The M Practice, we understand that each individual's journey to wellness is unique. That's why we're thrilled to offer our personalized recorded online practices service designed with your unique needs and goals in mind. 


Are you looking to cultivate a morning routine that sets the tone for your day? Or perhaps you crave a midday practice to recharge during lunchtime? Whether it's an intuitive movement session to unwind after work or a personalized meditation to overcome limiting beliefs, we're here to create Your perfect practice

You're in control - you choose the timeframe, focus, and meditation technique that resonates with you. Whether you prefer guided stretches, dance programs, or solo exercise exploration, we provide the flexibility to craft a practice that fits seamlessly into your life.  


With our curated practices we can work together to explore any topics relating to the 5 Ms: Mindfulness, Movement, Meaningful Connection, Meaning, and Me. We'll begin by consulting with you to understand your preferences and needs. After gathering your input, we'll craft a tailored script for your review. Once approved, we'll proceed to record an audio file of your practice. Finally, we'll deliver your personalized recorded practice directly to you, ready for your enjoyment and use.


Whether you're seeking solace from life's stresses or longing to deepen your connection with yourself and others, we want to provide you with supportive resources for growth and transformation.


Let us help you create Your perfect practice today so you can find “Your” Happy Balance. Get in touch below to learn more.

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Most of the resources we share at the M Practice are free as we are passionate about what we do and this is what gives us meaning. But if you do feel a desire to contribute, you can “Pay it Forward” and make a donation to help us alleviate poverty and create lasting change in vulnerable communities in Malawi. We have partnered with DIN Malawi, a grassroots NGO registered in Malawi. Lorraine volunteered with DIN in Malawi for 6 months in 2016 and has experienced firsthand the great work they are doing. Click here for more information about her time there and DIN’s projects or you can donate below. Helping others or contributing to the greater good is a great way to bring more meaning into your life. You can also help by sharing our practices with someone that you know would benefit from them.

Pay it Forward
Women Holding Hands
Join the Community


Join us on social media for inspiration on ways to incorporate The 5 Ms into your life. We want to help inspire you to live a better life and find peace and contentment. Our aim is to spread love and kindness, as well as inspire you to find meaning in your life and make a difference in the world. We also want to help people connect on a deeper level and to build stronger connections as social connection is one thing that is proven to make us happy. So we would encourage you to get together and do the practice with others, join one of our groups or classes on Insight Timer or come to a class if you are in Auckland.  


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